Pre-case 2018 with DI

This year’s pre-case launched on March 12 where 15 teams solved a case centred around DI – The Confederation of Danish Industry. The topic of the pre-case was productivity and SME in Denmark. Specifically, the participants had to analyze the implications and pros and cons of a tax rebate targeted to increase labour productivity among SME.

On March 15, three teams were chosen to present in front of three economist in the headquarter of DI. The judges picked Homo Economicus, consisting of Emil-Meyer Kristensen (KU), Mads Bøgebjerg Poulsen (KU), Pierce Ricketts (CBS) and Nicklas Gellner (CBS), as the winners of the pre-case. In the assessment, the judges put emphasis on their excellent presentational skills, transparent structure and explicit use of economic models.        

You can find both the case material and the winning presentation on this website in the sub-menu past cases.

The team behind Polit Case Competition would like to thank all participants for making this year’s pre-case a great event. The judges were impressed by all your solutions. A special thanks to our DI – The Confederation of Danish Industry for making the event possible.

We hope to see all of you next year!