The Polit Case Competition Team

Our teams are responsible for every aspect of the planning and execution of the Polit Case Competition events. All organizers are voluntary economics students from The University of Copenhagen; some are here to explore case-solving, and some are here because they love hosting events of this calibre. Besides preparing for the annual case competitions, the Polit Case Competition Team tirelessly strive to evolve and expand Polit Case Competition to make it the leading case competition in economics. Meet the people involved in Polit Case Competition below and get an overview of their different work areas.


The Steering committee

All of our teams must work together to make sure all of our events are coordinated and planned as well as they can be. To help us do that our steering committee is a link between the teams. Our steering committee keeps track of what is needed from the individual teams and makes sure the teams are well informed about all they need to be. 


Case Writers


Our events team is responsible for organising all the practical elements of Polit Case Competitions events, hereunder securing venues and facilitating events. They make sure that everything is ready for an event and that everything runs smoothly throughout the day.



Our marketing team is responsible for all social media, curating and uploading posts to various social media platforms throughout the semester. They make all posters for events and are responsible for their distribution. They make sure that students are well informed about all Polit Case Competitions upcoming events.


Our partnerships team is responsible for not only finding potential partners, but maintaining existing partnerships. They work closely with our partners to coordinate workshops, and partner evenings.


Our finance team is responsible for maintaining the budget and making sure all the amazing events we host throughout the year are adequately funded. The finance team manages all liquid assets and keeps track of where and how it is distributed to manage the organisation's needs. The finance team also applies for grants and funds to make sure Polit Case Competition can host all the events it aspires to. Finally our finance team makes sure to do the VAT report.