Djøf is a Premium Partner of Polit Case Competition 2018

Once again Djøf joins Polit Case Competition as a Premium Partner. Djøf will do a case-solving presentation in the week leading up to the case weekend.

We had a brief talk with Line Merete Høj, chief consultant at Djøf Network and Events, about Djøf‘s partnership with Polit Case Competition:

Why does Djøf support initiatives like Polit Case Competition?

Today’s universities still feel the consequences of political reforms, such as the lack of feedback and guidance from teachers – due to budget cuts. Djøf supports Polit Case Competition because the case competition gives participants the unique opportunity to apply theory to real-life economic problems, as well as highly appreciated feedback from judges and experienced consultants from different industries and backgrounds.

What do the participants gain from Polit Case Competition?

Firstly, valuable experience with problem-based learning, thereby applying theory to real life cases. Additionally, the opportunity to meet potential future employers is a rare event, but at the case competition the participants get the opportunity to do just that! Lastly, the gained experience working in a team-based environment leads to increased team-working skills, which employers highly value.

If you want to know more about Djøf and membership possibilities, click here

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